I am a mathematician, working at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
My research is at the interface of the calculus of variations, partial differential equations, and differential geometry, mostly concerning with
- Mathematical aspects of materials science and elasticity theory
- Geometry of spaces of mappings and diffeomorphism groups
In Hebrew, my name is written “שיא מאור”, and my first name is pronounced like the letter “C” in English.
Contact information
Cy Maor
Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 9190401 Israel
Email: $\mathtt{cy.maor}@\mathtt{mail}{.}\mathtt{huji}{.}\mathtt{ac}{.}\mathtt{il}$
Picture by Bruno Charbit
Publications and preprints:
- A continuum geometric approach for inverse design of origami structures, with Alon Sardas and Michael Moshe, preprint.
- Elasticity between manifolds: the weakly-incompatible limit, with Raz Kupferman, preprint.
- Completeness and geodesic distance properties for fractional Sobolev metrics on spaces of immersed curves, with Martin Bauer and Patrick Heslin, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 34:214, 2024.
- The Lp-Fisher-Rao metric and Amari-Cencov α-connections, with Martin Bauer, Alice Le Brigant and Yuxiu Lu, Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 63:56, 2024.
- Stability of isometric immersions of hypersurfaces, with Itai Alpern and Raz Kupferman, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12:e43, 2024.
- From Volterra dislocations to strain-gradient plasticity, with Raz Kupferman, preprint.
- Hierarchy of Geometrical Frustration in Elastic Ribbons: shape-transitions and energy scaling obtained from a general asymptotic theory, with Ido Levin, Emmanuel Siéfert and Eran Sharon, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 156 (2021), 104579.
- A geometric view on the generalized Proudman-Johnson and r-Hunter-Saxton equations, with Martin Bauer and Yuxiu Lu, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32:17, 2022.
- Asymptotic rigidity for shells in non-Euclidean elasticity, with Itai Alpern and Raz Kupferman, Journal of Functional Analysis, 283(6) (2022), 109575.
- Reference configurations versus optimal rotations: a derivation of linear elasticity from finite elasticity for all traction forces, with Maria Giovanna Mora, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31:62, 2021.
- Sobolev metrics on spaces of manifold valued curves, with Martin Bauer and Peter Michor, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze (5), Vol. XXIV, 1895--1948, 2023.
- Can we run to infinity? The diameter of the diffeomorphism group with respect to right-invariant Sobolev metrics, with Martin Bauer, Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 60:54, 2021.
- Limits of distributed dislocations in geometric and constitutive paradigms, with Marcelo Epstein and Raz Kupferman, in Geometric Continuum Mechanics (R. Segev and M. Epstein, ed.), Birkhäuser, 2020.
- Geodesic distance for right-invariant metrics on diffeomorphism groups: critical Sobolev exponents, with Robert Jerrard, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 56(2) (2019), 351–360.
- A simple example of the weak discontinuity of f↦∫det∇f, a short note (2018).
- Vanishing geodesic distance for right-invariant Sobolev metrics on diffeomorphism groups, with Robert Jerrard, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 55(4) (2019), 631–656.
- On the role of curvature in the elastic energy of non-Euclidean thin bodies, with Asaf Shachar, Journal of Elasticity, 134(2) (2019), 149–173.
- Variational Convergence of Discrete Geometrically-Incompatible Elastic Models, with Raz Kupferman, Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 57:39 (2018).
- Reshetnyak rigidity for Riemannian manifolds (previously titled "Asymptotoc rigidity of Riemannian manifolds"), with Raz Kupferman and Asaf Shachar, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 231 (2019), 367–408.
- Limits of elastic models of converging Riemannian manifolds, with Raz Kupferman, Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 55:40 (2016).
- Non-metricity in the continuum limit of randomly-distributed point defects, with Raz Kupferman and Ron Rosenthal, Israel Journal of mathematics 223(1) (2018), 75–139.
- Riemannian surfaces with torsion as homogenization limits of locally-Euclidean surfaces with dislocation-type singularities, with Raz Kupferman, Proc. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 146A (2016), 741–768.
- The emergence of torsion in the continuum limit of distributed edge-dislocations, with Raz Kupferman, Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 7(3) (2015), 361-387.
- A Riemannian approach to the membrane limit in non-Euclidean elasticity, with Raz Kupferman, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 16 (2014), 1350052.
- Cooperation under Incomplete Information on the Discount Factors, with Eilon Solan, International Journal of Game Theory 44(2) (2015), 321-346.
Itai Alpern,
Martin Bauer,
Marcelo Epstein,
Patrick Heslin,
Robert Jerrard,
Raz Kupferman,
Alice Le Brigant,
Ido Levin,
Yuxiu Lu,
Peter Michor,
Maria Giovanna Mora,
Michael Moshe,
Ron Rosenthal,
Alon Sardas,
Emmanuel Siéfert,
Asaf Shachar,
Eran Sharon,
Eilon Solan
Current teaching (Hebrew University):
- Functional analysis (graduate)
Past teaching:
- Hebrew University — Multivariable Calculus (undergraduate), Calculus of variations, Riemannian geometry of diffeomorphism groups, graduate seminar on calculus of variations (graduate)
- TU Dresden — Non-Euclidean elasticity (minicourse)
- University of Toronto — MAT235 (multivariable calculus)
Some notes:
I have been playing the piano and composing music for many years, and had the honor of learning from some great musicians including
Josef Bardanashvili,
Amnon Wolman and
Ilya Dimov (composition) and
Sara Tal and
Michal Tal (piano).
Below are some compositions and recordings (more to come soon):
- Piano Sonata, third part (performed by Ruth Zori). Second prize, Yardena Alotin composition competition (2014), Bar Ilan university.
First performed by Shira Shaked as part of the 2014 Piano Project of Stony Brook University.
- Some
recordings of my contrabass/piano free-improvisation duo with contrabassist/composer Orr Sinay.
Picture by Liran Ofir