Workshop: Homological Mirror Symmetry


June 10 – 12, 2015 at Hebrew University, Israel

Introductory talks

We have a series of introductory talks, supplying the relevant background for the mini-courses.
1. $A_\infty$ categories.  Speakers: Netanel Blaier (MIT) and Amitai Zernik (Hebrew University).
  • Definition, morphisms, quasi-isomorphisms.
  • Homological perturbation lemma, and its consequence: any quasi-isomorphism is invertible up to homotopy.
  • Hochschild homology and cohomology, as background for the split-generation argument, and their duality in the `weakly cyclic' situation .
      Recommended reading:
2. The Fukaya category.  Speaker: Cedric Membrez (Tel Aviv University).
  • Basic definition.
  • Closed-open string maps and their properties (in particular, their duality in the compact case).
  • Abouzaid's split-generation criterion (e.g., in the wrapped case or the monotone case).
      Recommended reading:
3. Coherent sheaves.  Speaker: Uri Brezner (Hebrew University).
  • Basic introduction and definitions.
  • Introducing Beilinson's exceptional collection $\Omega^j(j)$ and showing that its derived restriction to the hypersurface split-generates.
      Recommended reading:
4. Matrix factorizations.  Speakers: Adam Gal (Weizmann Institute) and Lena Gal (Tel-Aviv University).
  • Basic definitions.
  • Dyckerhoff's minimal model for the compact generator of the category of matrix factorizations of a potential with isolated singularity. This connects with the homological perturbation lemma listed under '$A_\infty$ categories'.
  • Orlov's quasi-equivalence between graded matrix factorizations of a homogeneous potential and the category of coherent sheaves on the corresponding projective hypersurface.
      Recommended reading:

HU Logo Topology and geometry seminar
Department of Mathematics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.